Most of this content has been taken from the book "Exponential Entrepreneur" By Mynor Schult bestseller author. Are you willing to look for and take other alternatives to be more…
Most of this content has been taken from the book "Exponential Entrepreneur" By Mynor Schult bestseller author. Are you willing to look for and take other alternatives to be more…
Most of this content has been taken from the book "Exponential Entrepreneur" By Mynor Schult bestseller author. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FgT_VuJeavo There is no doubt that an exponential mind is a must have…
Most of this content has been taken from the book "Exponential Entrepreneur" By Mynor Schult bestseller author. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-GHmjY74jg They say a genius takes something complicated and makes it easy. On…
Most of this content has been taken from the book "Exponential Entrepreneur" By Mynor Schult bestseller author. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80SYQeRK-bw Some see scarcities and some see abundance. To be an exponential entrepreneur,…
Most of this content has been taken from the book "Exponential Entrepreneur" By Mynor Schult bestseller author. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_3DnIFxBg0 Understanding the exponential concept is almost mandatory for any entrepreneur who aspires…
Most of this content has been taken from the book "Exponential Entrepreneur" By Mynor Schult bestseller author. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogbfFI6yVp0&t=32s Memorize this formula: ExE = MTP + PLEASED + DISRUPT However, that…